BUDGET Arrow of Light Trail Plaque for Cub Scout Patches & Pins, AoL Gift

BUDGET Arrow of Light Trail Plaque for Cub Scout Patches & Pins, AoL Gift
BUDGET Arrow of Light Trail Plaque for Cub Scout Patches & Pins, AoL Gift

BUDGET Arrow of Light Trail Plaque for Cub Scout Patches & Pins, AoL Gift
Celebrate your Scout’s Arrow of Light Rank ceremony with this beautiful plaque! Smaller more compact design! We are OVERSTOCKED on this size plaque. Includes room for all 13 Elective Adventure pins available in 2023! Plaque features: 18″ x 13″ plaque in Dark Blue Marble-Look Wood 17″ x 12″ Blue Brass Engraving Plate Acrylic Cover for 3-1/2″ x 5″ Photo of your Scout Exclusive Design Acrylic Arrow Mounting Clips Engraved Outlines for Lion Patch plus Bobcat through Arrow of Light Ranks Engraved Outline for up to 4 Pack Numerals Engraved Outline for World Conservation Patch Engraved Outline for Religious Knot Bright Brass Engraving Plates with Dates for all Ranks & Awards Bright Brass Engraving Plate for Scout’s Name, District, and Council Holes Pre-Drilled in Plaque for All Required and Elective Adventure Pins Holes Pre-Drilled in Plaque for Arrow Mounting Clips Special Foam Tape for Attaching Patches to Plaque Directions for Mounting Photograph, Patches, Pins, and Arrow to Plaque CUSTOM Plaques are available for an additional charge if your Scout did not earn all Ranks and/or Awards. PATCHES, RANK BADGES, PINS, PHOTOGRAPH, AND ARROW NOT INCLUDED. NOTE: Arrows will stick off on sides of plaque. This prevents your order from being delayed while attempt to contact you. Plaque is made of MDF Engineered Wood with a color and/or textured finish. Holes drilled for Required Adventure pins are oversize to accommodate the “burr” on the back of the pin so the pin lies flat on the plaque.
BUDGET Arrow of Light Trail Plaque for Cub Scout Patches & Pins, AoL Gift