December 20, 2017 0 1995 World Scout Jamboree OFFICIAL PARTICIPANTS Patch 18th World Scout Jamboree (held at THE NETHERLAND / HOLLAND). To any part of the world. NO PERSONAL CHEQUE [...]
December 18, 2017 0 BSA Jamboree position scout patches, complete badge lot, since 1910 back BSA Jamboree position scout patches, complete badge lot, since 1910 back. The item “BSA Jamboree [...]
December 17, 2017 0 Estonian Boy Scout Associations in Exile 1957 Patch Göteborg High Grade RARE Get Vendio Gallery – Now FREE! Estonian Boy Scout Associations in Exile 1957 Patch Göteborg High Grade [...]
December 16, 2017 0 BSA Lot 1940’s / 50’s Boy Scouts Eagle Scout Medal Letter Patches Mess Kit Pins This is a lot of Boy Scout badges, medals, patches, ephemera, and gear from a single scout who achieved Eagle [...]
December 13, 2017 0 BSA National Jamboree 1977 scout patch badge + OA SERVICE CORPS + youth staff BSA National Jamboree 1977 scout patch badge + OA SERVICE CORPS + youth staff. One Embroidered Twill Patch. [...]
December 11, 2017 0 1937 World Scout Jamboree OFFICIAL PARTICIPANT SUB CAMP V (BLUE BAR) Patch 5th World Scout Jamboree (held at Holland). To any part of the world. NO PERSONAL CHEQUE ACCEPTED. PLEASE [...]
December 9, 2017 0 BSA Jamboree position scout patches / badges, prototypes, RARE since 1910 back BSA Jamboree position scout patches / badges, prototypes, RARE since 1910 back. The item “BSA Jamboree [...]