May 10, 2021 0 1937 World Scout Jamboree OFFICIAL PARTICIPANTS SUBCAMP VII Patch 5th World Scout Jamboree (held at Holland – The Netherlands). OFFICIAL PARTICIPANTS SUB CAMP VII. To [...]
May 4, 2021 0 1937 World Scout Jamboree OFFICIAL PARTICIPANTS SUBCAMP I (YELLOW BAR) Patch 5th World Scout Jamboree (held at Holland – The Netherlands). OFFICIAL PARTICIPANTS SUB CAMP I. THIS IS [...]
April 16, 2021 0 1947 World Jamboree Rare Delegate Patch Bourgogne Sub-camp 1947 World Jamboree Rare Delegate Patch Bourgogne Sub-camp. The item “1947 World Jamboree Rare Delegate [...]
April 15, 2021 0 1959 World Scout Jamboree Philippines Official Participant Pocket Badge Patch The 10th World Scout Jamboree was held 1726 July 1959 and was hosted by the Philippines. Dubbed “The [...]
April 15, 2021 0 World Scout Jamboree Patch Collection 1920-2019 see VIDEO Link below showing more details of the 2 framed collection of patches. This two framed collection of World [...]
April 13, 2021 0 18th World Scout Jamboree 1995 LARGE lot of patches, neckerchiefs and more Get an instant 1995 18th World Scout Jamboree collection! Very large lot of patches and other Boy Scout [...]
March 31, 2021 0 RARE 24th World Scout Jamboree 2019. Korea Contingent / Official Patch Book And I wish you good browsing among. Scouting the better life.. 24th world scout jamboree 2019. Size : A3 (4 [...]
March 20, 2021 0 1959 World Scout Jamboree Philippines Official Participant Pocket Badge Patch The 10th World Scout Jamboree was held 1726 July 1959 and was hosted by the Philippines. Dubbed “The [...]
March 16, 2021 0 Boy Scout WSJ 1959 10th World Jamboree Mondial Philippines Participant Patch Or BOY SCOUT COLLECTORS ITEM. WSJ 1959 10th World Jamboree Mondial. Philippines Participant Patch [...]
February 16, 2021 0 1951 World Jamboree Austria Rare Delegate Patch Given to US Leaders Afterward 1951 World Jamboree Austria Rare Delegate Patch Given to US Leaders Afterward. The item “1951 World [...]